Ideas For India: Right to Education Act: Trends in enrollment, test scores, and school quality
A decade ago, India joined a range of countries that mandate…
VoxEU: India’s Right to Education Act: Trends in enrollment, test scores, and school quality
A decade ago, India joined a range of countries that mandate…
Dr. Manisha Shah on the Benefits of Decriminalizing Sex Work
Public Policy Professor Manisha Shah was featured in a Vox…
Affiliate spotlight: Manisha Shah on her research on adolescent sexual and reproductive health
J-PAL affiliated professor Manisha Shah is an Associate Professor…
SeriousPod: What Happens When We Accidentally Decriminalize Prostitution?
You might laugh, but it happened in Rhode Island! My two guests,…
WHYY: Prostitution decriminalized: Rhode Island’s experiment
What can public health learn from the time the state decriminalized…
Giving Microeconomics a Human Face
At age 16, Manisha Shah went to the Andes Mountains of Ecuador…
HuffPo: Humanitarian Innovation: Surprising News, Cautionary Tales, and Promising Directions
One surprising strategy for alleviating the lingering effects…